Paper + Digital = Better Together

Higher Checks
up to 26 %
Add menu photos to your restaurant menu with just a menu.
Add menu photos to your restaurant menu with just a menu.

Raise Average Check Value

Items with photos sell up to 30% more . Showcase your Desserts, Apps, and Cocktails.

Sell more Specials

Let your specials be the star of the menu. Add specials to your menu in less than 1 minute from your phone or computer.

Update restaurant menu prices easily with Just a Menu

Update Prices

Reflect market conditions by updating your prices on your digital menu. Do it in seconds from your phone.

Accessible Nutrition + Allergy Info

Provide information for diners with speciality diets without slowing down your waitstaff.

See a Demo Video.

Get a Youtube Demo Video of Just A Menu E-Mailed to you.

Easiest menu to update... ever.

Edit from any phone or computer.

Log in to your account and add or change items with just a few taps.

Update Prices instantly

Ingredient costs rising? Adjust your prices on the fly to match market conditions.

Add specials in seconds

Add a special to your menu in seconds with just a few taps.

Change your theme to match the season

Change your menu theme in just a few seconds to match the season.

Mark items sold out

Out of an item? Let your customers know with a single tap.

Contact us for a demo or to learn more.